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The Pardubice Castle

The Pardubice Castle


Zámek čp. 2, 530 02 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Telephone: +420 466 799 240, +420 466 799 271 (ticket office)



Opening Hours
In accordance with a government resolution, the building is closed from 12 October 2020 until further notice.

The exhibitions at the East Bohemian Museum are open to the public from 10 am to 6 pm every day except Mondays all year round.

The château is open daily from 6 am to 8 pm all year round.

The château ramparts will not be accessible to people in wheelchairs and the northern part of the ramparts will be closed throughout the period of the reconstruction of the château (2019 to 2020). Entry is only possible through the southern gate.


historical sights, exhibitions, a museum, a tower, a chapel

The Pardubice Castle

The Pardubice Castle is a renaissance château which is located near the city’s historical centre. It is considered to be unique in Central Europe due to its area and appearance. A water castle stood on the site of the current château in the 13th century. The castle was renovated after the Hussite Wars and stone battlements were erected around it with embrasures and corner towers. Visitors can still view the remnants of the structure today. The most significant reconstruction work took place at the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th centuries under the House of Pernstein. William II of Pernstein converted the castle into a renaissance palace with four wings and surrounded it with fortifications. These fortifications are considered to constitute the acme of late gothic fortification technology. A barbican, which was connected to the château by a wooden bridge, was constructed in the direction of the city. These extensive renovations, which were also continued by the sons of William II of Pernstein, gave rise to a seat which represented a transition between a castle and a château. In 2010, the Pardubice château and its fortifications were entered in the list of national cultural heritage of the Czech Republic. It is possible to see, for example, the Knight’s Hall, the château chapel and the barbican. The Pardubice Castle underwent reconstruction in 2019 to 2020. The new areas and tour routes will be open to the public in 2021.